on the sixth of this month, we had a big gift from one of our sisters by the name Jennifer. Who lives and work in the United States, we came to know her, by january 2009, when they came to visit us in Sudan, to gether with some of her team members, God made that visit for some of us to get to know somethings. first she introduces me to the use of BLOG, AND THEN SHE LIVED a good and a gentle life while in sudan that really attracted me to her and her life style, i can see Christ in her.and we give thanks for the gift of her.
After their stay, she went back to the State to meet up with her work and her family.before she left she promised to send to me an ipod to do my ministry with,because she said we have the gift of singing, but the suprise is that she went back and became sick, and we have been praying that God will give her good health, not even thinking of the promise again all we wanted is to hear that she is healthy again .combined with the economic crises in the states we never thought this will happen seeing that every one is sruggling back there.
But despite all this, she kept to her promise and she sent the ipod to me, thank you for this, and may the good God replenish you with good things that you need, you know that the Bible said "HE WHO REFRESHES OTHERS SHALL HIMSELF BE REFRESHED"I KNOW THAT YOU TOO WILL BE REFRESHED, THANK YOU ONCE MORE AND STAY BLESSED, THE ADAMU'S ON BEHALF OF THE YABUS TEAM ARE SAYING THANKS, FOR YOU LOVE TO US AND WE LOVE YOU TOO.