Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My sermon
I always thank God for his love and kindness to me, he always use me to bring praise to him, each time I am given the opportunity to speak in the church, here in Sudan the hand of GOD is always on the sermon and his servant.
This month on the 8th – 11- 2009, I was given that chance to present the news of the Lord to the people of the Lord, and It turned out to be good as the good Lord wants it to be.
I titled my sermon, seven great events that indicate the second coming of the Lord.

The outline,

First ------------------------war.

Second --------------------blood shed.


Fifth------------------------------vengeance as for the souls of the

Seventh------------------------------- the seven trumpet sounds

Application and conclusion,

The good thing that I want to thank GOD for is he used this sermon to bless so many of thee members of the church. As I apply and conclude this God giving sermon and said the alter call 13 people gave their lives to the Lord, that is really great and fine to GOD BE THE GLORY FOR EVER AMEN,
I have been having some counselling with some of them and I know that he will use this to make them strong and firm in his field. Pray for them all.

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