Friday, February 20, 2009

special birthday

Today February 20 was a blessed day to me after I finished from the class, at around 5.30pm my wife and our good friends the faders and also all the other missionaries and the sbna staffs took to the river for a birthday play.
At river all the team members played football at the side of the river and also played volleyball,
then later we all jumped into the yabus river to all play what i call water football and also swim volleyball.
The good thing is that all the people that came to wash and bath also joined to play with us.
then at around 6pm we all jumped into the car to come back home,this is the greatest birthday I've ever had where all the people are so happy no one knows who the celebrant we came back to a very sweet birthday dinner specially arranged by this lovely sister called Bethany.We all ate the things provided and god was wife did a good job of cooking the usual Nigerian stew and rice.she actually had fun to and she gave me a big birthday kiss.the kids after the swim were wrapped in big blanket by no one else but the same Bethany.
Oh i forgot i am an adult today.

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