When Jesus was going back to heaven, he gave a command saying go ye into the world and make disciples of all nations Baptising them in the Name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. So in regards to this we were invited for a Baptism of those that have received Christ, in a village called Beletuma which is about 30 km drive from the SIM compound in yabus. We all set out for the trip in the morning and arrived there on a good time. On reaching there we attended a short service in the church and afterwards head to the river for the baptism proper, it was fun because it was totally different with ours back home, and about 217 people were baptised that day, both young and old. Before they were dippened into the water Victoria took time to encourage them and also made new friends, Praise also went into the water saying mummy I also want to be Baptised. After the whole event we all went back to the church for second service, we continue interacting with the people and talking with them before we were served with a Hill of lunch. It was very good to talked to people that are hungry for the word of the lord, and it was an encouragement to them also to see new faces people that are not Sudanese trying to speak their local language they were so happy to received us there may his name be Praised.
The first picture is the church service, the secound third and fourth is victoria and the kids ministry,the fifth is praise wanting to be Baptised,and then the Big hills of food and the treat to cofee and tea.
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