last week was such a blessfull week for all the members of the church and also the people that are living around the church premises.this is becouse the people are determined to start the new church building,the people are so happy as they see materials for the new building arriving to the church.God so blessed us with some more money and some banbus where bougth,we also where able to go round the bush for atleast 3hrs to cut down woods for the poles and about 78 strong and good poles where found.YOU COULD JUST SEE THE DETERMINATION
THE FEW TEAM which we call the wood scavengers.
we then went fuether to load home this poles,but how was the question that was thrown to me.So i went begging again and the person imet was my good friend and he helped me with a tractor so we went again NOW THE LOADING.
All this is done for nothing more than to give the eternal Father thanks and to bring glory to his name.To those who give and to those who took part in the cuting and bringing we pray that God replenish all your efford and blessyou all.
Thanks for adding pictures to make the story come alive!